We are coming close to the end of June and the middle of the year. Where does time fly?
Once again we have been busy working on a number of projects for our new and existing authors so we haven’t been sitting on our laurels. Currently we have 34 books in our portfolio and will soon be launching 2 new ebooks for an existing author, plus print and ebooks for two new authors. The latter will be due out within the next 10 to 15 days. We are also working on reissuing two other books for authors that are in need of an updated cover and review of the contents.
Another new writer to join our fold as written a chapter style book for kids based on the number of years she spent in Jakarta as a young child. This story is great as it has everything from man eating dragons, to deadly snakes and dangerous butterflies. The whole works to make any child smile and giggle gleefully.
As you can see it is all go here.
Recently we have been fortunate to engage the services of an additional illustrator who is producing some great work for us so if you need some good drawings please let us know. We are also collaborating on a series of new books with her which will be produced some time later in the year. Her work is fabulous.
Our principle is still offering mentoring services and is continuing the Mentoring Writers Resource Box podcasts. The unique downloads stand at over 8700 plus. We shall be celebrating in style once they reach the 10,000 mark.
We are pleased to see that book fairs, book signing events and other such writing activities are back up and running. Recently we attended a rather wet Abergavenny Arts Festival which, despite the rain, was reasonably well attended. Ann gave two workshops and she was pleased with the outcome.
Remember, if you need any advice on writing then please do not hesitate to contact us or our associates MentoringWriters.co.uk for any help or advice. In the meantime keep writing.
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