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Established 2002


They do say you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Unfortunately, while that is probably true when it comes to the writing world the first thing any reader does is look at the book cover.

When it comes to looking at book covers, it is surprising how many fall below the exacting standards that are produced by the traditional publishers.  The problem is that even today many readers still judge a book by the cover and also the lower the standard the more it smacks of it having been a self-published book.

To be honest any book that looks cheap won’t get into bookshops, won’t attract readers, and won’t stand out from the competition. Remember, a bad first impression can easily sink a book, no matter the quality of the writing,

Producing covers of the highest quality – ones that will see doors opened for your book, rather than closed on it are what is important to us here at Pen & Ink Designs.

We ensure we work with quality artists and designers so as to produce books that are eye catching and have engaging artwork that will make the book stand out on any shelf and/or online.

If you need help with this please contact us with details of your project for a free consultation with one of our editorial team!


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