As a young child Leah always loved writing and spent many hours with her Grandmother developing her craft.

When she was 13 years old, she wrote the fantasy story, My Family, which is really a story about - her family. Well, it's an idea of what her family was really like underneath at the time.

The story was submitted into the University of Winchester Annual Competition for which Leah won a Commendation.

The reviewer sent a delightful comment saying, "... a delightful story. Leah kept me guessing right to the very end as to who she was."

Although born in the UK Leah now lives on the Gold Coast in Australia.

And since writing My Family she has written a number of other short stories but she is now concentrating on developing a book about Creating and Decorating Cupcakes.

She is hoping to be involved in all aspects of the creation, including the photography and design of the book cover.

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For more details of Leah’s Cupcake business down in Australia check out her Facebook link: @cupcakecuresgc