Daisy Blue Illustrations is part of Daisy Blue Publishing, an American based company that offers a variety of services and with whom we have a working relationship.

Our first collaboration has been for illustrations with Mostyn & the Dragon - see one of the images produced above. We, along with the author Sean Edwards, found all the images produced for the book to be of excellent quality and exactly what was needed to allow us to produce a great picture book.

The costs are very reasonable and the time scales are worked to effectively. Daisy Blue Publishing also create great author websites so if interested let us know.

NB: All costs are as charged by Daisy Blue - we make no additional charge for this service.




Review’s: This review was one of the responses from the author.

I see excitement from a Dragon, When once he was forlorn.

There's a message from a sheep, "Today you perform!"

For me I also see a jigsaw, The final magnificent piece.

A story is nearly ready to be told, I anticipate its release.

To the illustrator I say thanks, Your talents I applaud.

Ann, I think you have found a gem, The both of you I highly laud.  Thank You from  Sean.