Ever since Coral can remember, she has been a natural at drawing. When young she would often find a blank canvas – be it a wall, floor, or scrap of paper – and just let her creative juices flow. By letting the images she created come to life, it allowed Coral to start telling stories that complimented those delightful drawings.

After spending more than a decade in the high education sector as a computer scientist, Coral took a leap of faith and followed her passion of illustrating and story telling. She has now illustrated over 50 books, being both an Indie and Traditionally published author under her own name of Coral Walker and her pen name of ‘Mama Maja.’ It has been an incredible journey, one she is eager to continue in order to see where her creativity will take her next.





This is such a cute story about a little dragon who loves sweets and good things to eat. Frodo doesn't like dragon school and doesn't do his best to learn how to fly and blow fire and do the things that all good dragons do. Frodo is only interested in sleeping and eating delicious sweets. When Frodo's class are sent into town to find a princess to eat, Frodo makes his way to the sweet shop. He eats every sweet in the shop, much to the dismay of the towns folk. They chase poor Frodo who is only saved by the ingenuity of his teacher and classmates. The worst is not over for Frodo, the following day he awakes with a toothache. The experience of visiting the dentist and having a rotten tooth removed encourages Frodo to return to the straight and narrow and stop eating sweets and other things that are bad for your teeth. Will it last? Well, you'll have to read the book and find out.

This book is beautifully illustrated and is a fun way to teach small children about looking after their teeth.